In my high school days, no oil painting was allowed. We only painted watercolours, which were prerequisite. Watercolours are rudiments of our gen-eration and I still like them. But I later took to pic-ture-story books and stopped painting watercolours.
I applied for traditional Chinese painting at the col-lege entrance examination, but Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts did not enroll this major at that time, so I happened to learn oil painting. But I kept on draw-ing storybooks, playing truant and getting censured by teachers. Two years later, I took the entrance examination for MA candidates in traditional Chi-nese painting, but I failed due to my poor perfor-mance in classical Chinese literature. However, I achieved the highest score in the major subject. An old professor of traditional Chinese painting later said, if I had been enrolled, there would not be any Father. What a coincidence!
When I began oils, there was no quitting.
When there were more chances of going sightseeing, or vacationing abroad, I picked up watercolours, which had been given up dozens of years before. Then I find it very convenient for noting down some feeling or impressions. They are much easier than the clumsy oils. So I do a lot of watercolours now.
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